Blayne and Angie Waltrip
At Large
The Waltrips are missionaries serving around the world. As missionaries in France, we worked in church planting, youth ministry, evangelism, discipleship, and ministerial development. We later taught at the European Theological Seminary (ETS) and in 2011, we taught one year as “Missionaries-in-Residence” at Lee University while Blayne finished his doctorate degree. We especially loved our time in Germany at ETS. It was a special time with the community of teachers and students. Many of our former students are now serving as pastors, youth pastors, worship leaders, and leaders throughout Europe.
We are currently teaching the next generation, serving on faculty as missions professor for the Asian Seminary of Christian Ministry in the Philippines, the European Theological Seminary in Germany, and the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in the USA. In addition to teaching at schools, we train pastors, leaders, missionaries, and church planters in churches and conferences. Blayne speaks French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.