Abraham and LeeLamma Varghese
My wife, Leelamma, and I have four children and two grandchildren. We work among the last, the least, and the lost in South Asia, specifically India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. We also do some work in African countries and Europe.
Our focus is to provide education, book bags, shelter, blankets, and food for orphans and widows and share the salvation message to those in remote areas where the Gospel has not reached. We also focus on building churches in the remote areas (where people worship under trees) and providing children’s centers for the orphans. I am a professional counselor and give counseling to help them recover from addiction and coach in mental health. We have a burden for the lost souls and a passion for the work of the Lord.
We have seen the suffering of the less fortunate and want to help them improve their lives. I work with the local leaders and church planters to plant churches and teach biblical principles and counseling.
There are several memorable moments we have experienced. However, the most memorable ones were when people accepted Christ as their personal Savior and when we saw the joy and the smiles on the face of the orphans and widows receiving food, shelter, and clothing.