Chuck and Sherry Quinley

Chuck and Sherry Quinley help young people in unreached nations become bold disciples in the age of media.
Missionary #: 060-0031

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Sherry and I have spent most of our lives in Asia where we raised our six kids. The purpose of our ministry is to help children and young people find freedom and purpose in Christ.

The future of missions is empowering developing world leaders to complete the task of missions. These leaders must succeed in the age of media and technology. Online and at our headquarters in Northern Thailand, we and our team train and nurture next generation leaders from 40 countries to develop spiritual depth and world class communication skills. Our graduates produce media in their own languages and communicate confidently in person and through media.

More than any other force, media is shaping hearts and minds of young people around the world. The average young person spends 9+ hours screen time each day. God is raising up a new generation of messengers who have moved beyond being mindless consumers of media. We are honored to work with these leaders as they take their place at the front of God’s work in their nations.

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