Andrew and Jacki Quinley

Andrew and Jacki Quinley train families and youth in Thailand to become evangelists and pastors in the digital communities of the world.
Missionary #: 065-0866

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Anyone who scrolls through social media will see a world in peril. Voices shout for your attention using every trick in the book. They shape what you believe and what you will choose. As kids, many of us could disconnect from that constant stream by just turning off the TV and going outside with friends. Things have changed, though. We take all that noise with us. Kids are raised on it, unable to escape its influence. It’s the primary conduit through which they experience friendship and the world around them.

We have a burden for families in this generation. Since 2009, we have served on campuses and communities in Northern Thailand. Through education, training, and mentoring, we help families in search of an identity to discover their place in God’s family.

As a part of Medialight, we train men and women across the world to raise their voice and tell their stories on social media. Intensive programs, workshops, and online cohorts welcome in passionate believers who are sick of the noise and want to speak a clear message to their communities.

Your partnership with us gives hope to young families in Northern Thailand and a voice to a new generation of evangelists, prophets, and pastors across the world.



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