Bobby & Tammy Owens
Latin America
We work with indigenous, unevangelized tribes such as the Yaminuaha, Ashanika, Ticuna, and Shipibo in the Andes mountains and the Amazon River rain forests of Peru and Colombia. We minister to the extremely impoverished through the planting of churches and the establishing of refuge centers (we supply food and potable water to five communities to help prevent sickness and share the love of Christ). We also organize medical mission trips twice a year.
In 2012 my husband and I began Isaiah 58 Ministries, a non-profit organization commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to take the gospel into all the world. We began by supplying crayons and coloring books to children in our local hospital in the heart of Appalachia. We worked with the marginalized in our own community, serving the homeless shelter and soup kitchen. God was preparing us for His purpose in our lives. During this time my husband suffered an accident that caused disabilities, and we weren’t sure how to continue. But God provided every need.
The Yaminuaha tribe that live at the landfill is a cherished memory. The level of poverty was unthinkable: they work for the wage of .65 a day. The people were frightened of us, and many were ill. The children’s heads had oozing sores, and their stomachs were distended due to malnourishment and parasites. The Holy Spirit’s welcoming presence drew them, and they decided to trust us. Since that day, they now have a church, clean drinking water, clean food, and have been treated in two medical missions.
We have been blessed to witness thousands of unreached souls come to the knowledge and saving grace of Christ Jesus. By God’s splendor and grace, we have been allowed to plant sixteen churches/refuge centers in these communities.