Israel and Debbie Minay
Our particular journey began over thirty years ago when we felt God call us to go from our country, our people, and our father’s house to a land He would show us. It was a great leap of faith for us at the time, but we soon discovered we were embarking on the most profound adventure of our lives. It had been God’s way of forging a deep and enduring relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
Our journey has taken us to three different continents to live among three different people groups and be enriched by three different languages and cultures. On the most recent leg of our trip, we have the privilege of serving God in the beautiful country of Cambodia. Our assignment there is to equip and mentor first generation Christians to take the good news of Jesus Christ to their own people.
We have seen God’s mighty hand at work in every place we have served. Some of our most memorable experiences have been on behalf of the people of Cambodia. The most recent took place in the fall of 2019. We had been gifted a dozen laptop computers at the beginning of that year and began to systematically get them to Cambodia, using every opportunity available. The last four were brought over to us by a short mission’s team in November. That Christmas we gifted one laptop to each of our church families and the rest to other Christians we felt could use one. Little did we know that God was providing the means by which we would carry on the work we were doing via online meetings for the next few years during COVID restrictions.
God has raised an army of young believers in Cambodia who grew up in faith-based children’s homes and now desire to share their faith as adults but feel ill-equipped to do so. Among these believers are a couple of students we first served when they were children and now have the privilege of working with as young adults. We have dedicated the last few years to training and preparing them for ministry. They are now pastoring, leading a children’s outreach, and sharing the gospel with their peers. We are providing advisory support and channeling funds for outreach ministries while modeling new methods of outreach for them.
One of these methods is online English classes, using the Bible as the text. These classes serve two very important needs. One is to teach our young believers the Word of God on a systematic basis. The other is to give our students a feasible way to invite others to study the Word of God. Through this, we are now reaching those who would not have heard the Word of God otherwise.
We are living in exciting times with limitless resources to reach our world. We are so blessed to still be able to do so. Most importantly, we are fervently praying for those whom God is calling to begin their own journey of faith. We wish every Christian could experience God’s love and faithfulness the way we have. Our desire is to help others take their own personal leaps of faith and embark on their own missionary journeys that they may know the width, length, depth, and height of His love (Ephesians 3:17-19) for themselves.