Latin America
Project M:25 fulfills the words of Jesus in Matthew 25 by meeting the practical needs of at-risk children while sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Project M:25 serves as a beacon of hope in the lives of at-risk children and vulnerable communities around the world. By expressing God’s love through meeting people’s practical needs, Project M:25 responds to Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:
“When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat. When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink.”
Project M:25 embraces a comprehensive, holistic approach to combat poverty’s adverse effects. Because so many children suffer trauma, our interventions are tailored to each child’s and family’s unique needs. We focus on four primary areas: a child’s spirituality, relationships, mental well-being, and physical health. Specific activities include providing nutritious meals to children, after-school tutoring, family food baskets, life skills education, domestic violence prevention support, and access to safe drinking water. This strategy fosters resilience and enables these children to overcome challenges, thrive, and reach their full potential.
In addition to providing these direct services, we believe in the power of education and the crucial role of activating the local church to be a catalyst for community transformation. We train those working with at-risk children across Latin America and North America, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to embody God’s love effectively. Make a stand with us to let the Good News of the Gospel burst forth in brilliance as we live out compassion and bring hope to those broken by poverty.