Isaac and Meghan Lutz
Isaac serves as the Country Director for People For Care and Learning (PCL) Cambodia. He oversees all five major PCL ministry branches which include: Pace Children’s Home, House of Hope Children’s Home, Common Grounds Café, Bonfire Grill, three PCL Learning Centers, PCL Integrated Training Farm, and School of Ministry. He also oversees the five churches that PCL and the Church of God have planted in Cambodia.
Isaac has been serving in Cambodia since 2011. Upon first arriving in Cambodia, Isaac started ministering in a rural village working to learn the Khmer language and culture while attempting to reach villagers for Christ. In order to build relationships and reach out to the villagers, Isaac started the PCL Integrated Training Farm and began to train village farmers how they could better grow crops and raise livestock to feed their families. Out of this farm the village work began to thrive, and Isaac also helped to start a school and build the village church (the first Church of God in Cambodia). Both are still thriving today.
Meghan previously spent 2014 in Russia serving as a missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ. She then moved to Cambodia to teach young women who were rescued from sex trafficking. She is starting her fifth year overseas as she serves at Hope International School as a teacher and mentor to middle and high school students who are missionary children.
As missionary kids are caught between their home and host cultures, they often feel alone, confused, and misunderstood. Missionary children are in a vulnerable place of finding their own faith and beliefs, and having safe teachers in their lives gives them a place to process their doubts and fears. Meghan’s goal is to support local missionaries who are working with the lost in the community. This school provides a way for both parents to be involved in reaching Cambodia which doubles the number of people sharing the Gospel to Buddhist unbelievers in the city and countryside.