Lloyd and Joyce Heiney
Latin America
We have always had a strong desire to take Spanish Bibles to churches in Mexico. In 1995, we loaded cases of Bibles, gospel tracts, and Church of God Sunday School materials into our vehicle and began making long trips to states south of the border. For over 25 years, we visited almost every state in Mexico searching for churches. To date, we have distributed over 10,000 Bibles and untold cases of tracts and literature. We continue to pray for the churches we have encountered.
In 2000, we started construction of a church in the state of Tamaulipas. This church continues to serve the people of Nuevo Progreso, Mexico. Our priority now is to continue supporting this church and pastor.
We pray for the sick and homeless. We have many friends across Mexico and have always had an open door to share the Gospel. May God continue to share His grace to those in need.