Shane and Kerri Estes

Latin America
The Estes serve the people of Nicaragua through evangelism, discipleship, and other ministries.
Missionary #: 065-0979

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We work in primarily in the areas of evangelism and discipleship in conjunction with local church bodies with a missional focus. We are also involved in children/youth ministry, women’s ministry, construction projects, evangelism training for leaders, and short-term team projects. Kerri also teaches Bible classes at the international Christian school in Managua.

Kerri took her first trip to Nicaragua with a medical evangelism team in 2003. After Shane and Kerri were married in 2005, they began to serve together on short-term teams, and in 2016 they moved with their family to serve full-time with Baptist Medical and Dental Mission International.

One of my favorite moments in evangelism was when we met a young man named Christopher. As we began to share the Gospel, he tuned in completely. When we asked if he’d like to accept Jesus, tears began to run down his cheek, and he responded without hesitation. He was such a beautiful example of the ready harvest waiting for laborers to go into the field.

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