Steven and Candace Day
Latin America
We have been serving in Honduras since 2016 following a missions trip to this area. Our hearts were moved by the people, and God brought confirmation that this was where He was calling us. There were many uncertainties, but we knew that disobedience to this call was not an option. On January 11, 2016, we said our goodbyes, boarded a plane, and took the greatest step of faith we had ever taken. It hasn’t always been an easy journey, but we have experienced God’s faithfulness through it all.
Our favorite experiences are rooted in the family we gained in Honduras. We immersed into the culture and were accepted by those we worked with. We have cultivated relationships and come to understand the culture and language. We found ourselves unified with them in an indescribable way. Our heart is truly energized for them!
The focus of our ministry is pastoral support and church planting. We work closely with the territorial leadership of Church of God World Missions to provide funds for seminary training, building projects, and other needs of the pastors and their families.
We currently reside in Pickens, South Carolina where we make quarterly trips to Honduras to maintain and further the ministry. We are in weekly communication with the Honduran leadership and focus our efforts on raising funds.