LJ and Danee Davis
LJ and Danee Davis run Oasis of Hope Orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya.
Missionary #: 065-0982
Since 2018, we have been living and serving in Nairobi, Kenya where we have a 14-acre compound right next to Kibera, the second-largest slum in the world. Our ministry here is called Oasis of Hope Orphanage. We have been called by God to go to the ends of the Earth and rescue kids from starvation, abuse, and neglect.
At the orphanage, we have the opportunity to bring kids to our school where they receive free education, three hot meals a day, safety, and the message of Jesus’ love for them. Prior to coming here some of our kids were victims of child marriage and female genital mutilation. We thank you for partnering with us to make a difference in these children’s lives.