David and Sherry Addis
North America
We have been married for over forty years and serve on the land of the Navajo Nation as Missions Director with Church Of God Southwest Indian Ministries. Sherry and I live there nine months of the year and spend the other three months raising our mission support.
As missions director my main focus is on lining up mission teams for the purpose of being a vital ministry to the Southwest Indian Ministries (S.W.I.M.). Without mission teams, it would be impossible to carry out the ministry needed to help the pastors, churches, and the much need renovations at S.W.I.M. headquarters.
While being in ministry as a pastor, youth pastor, and associate pastor I went on a few mission trips and always enjoyed it. I just thought I was not cut out to be a missionary–end of story–or so I thought. But God had other plans. Years later in a revival, God revealed his plan to me. I was to move my family and go to the Navajo Reservation where God planted in me a love for the Native American that is still as strong today.
We lived at S.W.I.M. for two years and then moved back to Florida in 2009, continuing our service as missionaries as we traveled back and forth every year to the Navajo Reservation–over four thousand miles round trip. In 2021, God opened the door for my wife and me to again move back to S.W.I.M. as the Missions Director.
When asked about my most memorable moment, I don’t know where to begin. Every moment we are blessed with another day to carry God’s awesome love to a people He has called us to minister to is monumental. We are so thankful He counts us worthy of the calling. Every day is memorable, whether it seems good or bad.