Our Team

Dewayne Moree
Multimedia CoordinatorDewayne is foremost a follower of Jesus Christ, husband, father, pastor, ministry coach, and friend. He has served in student ministry for over nineteen years, from small church volunteer to large church multi-staff. Dewayne currently serves as the Multimedia Coordinator for Church of God World Missions. Dewayne has been involved in many areas of local/international training, coaching, and networking. He is also well versed in large event production and management.
Dewayne is a graduate of Pentecostal Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Church Ministries with an emphasis in discipleship and leadership, and a graduate of Lee University with a Bachelor of Science in Pastoral Ministry. He has served extensively in local church ministry, with opportunities to minister globally. Dewayne loves to network and "build bridges" with those willing to reach out.